Science : Ch 12 – Electricity

This test is designed based on NCERT Syllabus for Class 10 Topics : Electricity

  • Each time random 15 questions will be displaced
  • So retake the quiz till you have mastered all the questions

1 / 15

Electrical resistivity of a given metallic wire depends upon:

2 / 15

The least resistance obtained by using 2 Ω, 4 Ω, 1 Ω and 100 Ω is:

3 / 15

A cooler of 1500 W, 200 volt and a fan of 500 W, 200 volt are to be used from a household supply. The rating of fuse to be used is:

4 / 15

A cell, a resistor, a key, and an ammeter are arranged as shown in the circuit diagrams. The current recorded in the ammeter will be:

5 / 15

A current of 1 A is drawn by a filament of an electric bulb. Number of electrons passing through a cross-section of the filament in 16 seconds would be roughly

6 / 15

When electric current is passed, electrons move from:

7 / 15

Ohm’s law express that:

8 / 15

True test of charge is

9 / 15

Copper is not approved to make fuse wire because it:

10 / 15

Electrical resistivity of a given metallic wire depends upon:

11 / 15

The formula which states the relation between potential diference, current and resistance

12 / 15

What is the maximum resistance which can be made using five resistors each of 1/5 W?

13 / 15

Joule’s law of heating implies that heat produced in a resistor is directly proportional to the square of

14 / 15

The unit of electric power may also be expressed as

15 / 15

The device used to measure the internal resistance of a cell, to compare the e.m.f. of two cells and potential diference across a resistor

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