CBSE Class X – Science Biology Exam ( Full Syllabus)

This test is designed based on NCERT Syllabus for Class 10 Topics of Science – Biology

  • Each time random 25 questions will be displaced from the question bank of 500 + Questions
  • So we recommend you to retake the quiz till you have mastered all the questions

1 / 25

The gene type of green stemmed tomato plants is denoted as GG and that of purple stemmed tomato plants as gg. What colour of stem would you expect in F1 progeny when these two are crossed?

2 / 25

The major function of cellular DNA is

3 / 25

Name the plant Mendel used of F1 & F2 generation cross of tall and short plant experiment.

4 / 25

A zygote which has an Y chromosome inherited from the father will develop into a

5 / 25

Exchange of genetic material takes place in:

6 / 25

From the list given below, select the character which can be acquired but not inherited:

7 / 25

Two pink coloured fowers on crossing resulted in 1 red, 2 pink and 1 white fower progeny. The nature of the cross will be:

8 / 25

If a round, green-seeded pea plant (RR yy) is crossed with wrinkled, yellow seeded pea plant, (rr YY), the seeds production in F1 generation are:

9 / 25

Factors responsible for the rapid spread of bread mould on slices of bread are:

  1. Large number of spores
  2. Availability of moisture and nutrients in the bread
  3. Presence of tubular branched hyphae
  4. Formation of round shaped sporangia

10 / 25

Which among the following statements are true for sexual reproduction in fowering plants?

  1. It requires two types of gametes.
  2. Fertilisation is a compulsory event.
  3. It always results in the formation of zygote.
  4. Offsprings formed are clone

11 / 25

Which one of the following best describes the function of the umbilical cord?

12 / 25

which of the following is a viral STD?

13 / 25

The site of fertilization of the ovum takes place is

14 / 25

The development foetus takes place in mother’s body from

15 / 25

A small family is a happy family means

16 / 25

The number of chromosomes shared from both male & female are

17 / 25

Pseudopodia are:

18 / 25

Most of the digestion and absorption of the food occur in the:

19 / 25

Which is the true sequence of air passage during inhalation?

20 / 25

Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from:

21 / 25

The rings of cartilage present in the throat ensure that the air passage

22 / 25

The Fluid collected in the Bowman’s capsule as a result of ultrafiltration is called

23 / 25

What does a low hemoglobin level mean?

24 / 25

How many chambers are there in the heart of an Human being?

25 / 25

Name an enzyme present in pancreatic juice

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