Science : Ch 13 – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

This test is designed based on NCERT Syllabus for Class 10 Topics : Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

  • Each time random 15 questions will be displaced
  • So retake the quiz till you have mastered all the questions

1 / 15

Fleming’s Right-hand rule gives:

2 / 15

A current-carrying conductor is clench in totally vertical direction. In order to produce a clockwise magnetic feld around the conductor, the current should passed in the conductor:

3 / 15

Which of the following declaration is not correct about the magnetic field?

4 / 15

The nature of magnetic field line passing through the centre of current carrying circular loop is:

5 / 15

The strength of each of magnet reduces to half when it cut along its length into the equal parts magnetic field strength of a solenoid. Polarity of solenoid can be determined by:

6 / 15

In electric motor, to make the coil rotating constantly in the identical direction, current is reversed in the coil after every half rotation by a device called:

7 / 15

A magnet is moved towards a coil (i) quickly (ii) slowly. The induced potential difference:

8 / 15

Overloading is caused to:

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The current which is created due to the relative motion of coil or magnet

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The commercial motors use a soft iron core on which the coil is wound because

11 / 15

Which of the following is not attracted by a magnet:

12 / 15

An electron moves with a speed v along positive direction of the x-axis. If a magnetic feld B acts along the positive y-direction, then the force on the electron will act along

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The phenomenon discovered by Faraday.

14 / 15

A device that can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy is

15 / 15

You are holding the current-carrying wire in your right hand so that your thumb points in the direction of current, then the direction in which your fingers encircle the wire will give the direction of the magnetic feld lines around the wire.explain

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