Science : Ch 06 – Life Processes

This test is designed based on NCERT Syllabus for Class 10 Topics : Life Processes

  • Each time random 15 questions will be displaced
  • So retake the quiz till you have mastered all the questions

1 / 15

Pseudopodia are:

2 / 15

A few drops of iodine solution were put on to rice water. The solution turned blue-black in colour. This specify that the rice water contains:

3 / 15

Which one of the following declaration is accurate about the human circulatory system?

4 / 15

Select the function of the pancreatic Juice from the following:

5 / 15

Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from:

6 / 15

The blood leaving the tissues becomes richer in:

7 / 15

Which of the following is an inappropriate statement?

8 / 15

The opening and closing of the stomatal pore depends upon:

9 / 15

The red pigment which carries oxygen in the blood.

10 / 15

How many chambers are there in the heart of an amphibian?

11 / 15

The two substances which are selectively reabsorbed from Nephriitic filtrate into the blood.

12 / 15

Human skin is impermeable to gas because

13 / 15

Bowman’s capsules of nephrons acts as

14 / 15

The Fluid collected in the Bowman’s capsule as a result of ultrafiltration is called

15 / 15

How many chambers are there in the heart of an Human being?

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