CBSE Class X – Science Chemistry + Biology + Physics Exam (Full Syllabus)

This test is designed based on NCERT Syllabus for Class 10 Topics of Science – Chemistry , Biology and Physics

  • Each time random 25 questions will be displaced from the question bank of 500 + Questions
  • So we recommend you to retake the quiz till you have mastered all the questions

1 / 25

Why are oil and fat containing food items fushed with nitrogen while packing?

2 / 25

State the reactions are exothermic or endothermic in nature: Decomposition of ferrous sulphate

3 / 25

The source of citric acid is

4 / 25

The chemical used in manufacture of soaps

5 / 25

The poorest conductor of heat among metals is

6 / 25

Which metal is less reactive?

7 / 25

The I.U.P.A.C name of CH3CH2CH=CH2 is?

8 / 25

Saturated hydrocarbons contains

9 / 25

The next homologue of C4H6

10 / 25

Arrange the following elements in sequence of their increasing non-metallic character Li, O, C, Be and F.

11 / 25

The atomic number of an element is 20, its valency is

12 / 25

Anaerobic process:

13 / 25

The main excretony waste removed by kidneys from blood

14 / 25

The number of chromosomes in parents and offsprings of a particular species remains constant due to: Halving of chromosomes during gamete formation

15 / 25

Assertion (A): Variation is useful for the survival of species over time. Reason (R) : Populations of organisms fill well-defined places in the ecosystem, using their ability to reproduce

16 / 25

What is the mode of asexual reproduction in planaria?

17 / 25

Why did Mendel carry out an experiment to study inheritance of two traits in garden-pea

18 / 25

As claimed by the evolutionary theory, formation of a new species is generally due to

19 / 25

A clear sky appears blue, because:

20 / 25

The density of the atmosphere, as we know goes on decreasing as the distance above the sea level increases,this phenomeneon is called

21 / 25

Rainbow is caused due to

22 / 25

An ideal ammeter is one which has

23 / 25

The device used to measure the internal resistance of a cell, to compare the e.m.f. of two cells and potential diference across a resistor

24 / 25

A coil of many circular turns of wire wrapped in the shape of a cylinder

25 / 25

The phenomenon discovered by Faraday.

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