CBSE Class X – Science Chemistry Exam (Full Syllabus)

This test is designed based on NCERT Syllabus for Class 10 Topics of Science – Chemistry

  • Each time random 25 questions will be displaced from the question bank of 500 + Questions
  • So we recommend you to retake the quiz till you have mastered all the questions

1 / 25

When hydrogen sulphide gas is passed through a blue solution of copper sulphate, the colour of the solution fades and a black precipitate is obtained.Write the chemical name of the black precipitate formed.

2 / 25

Mention whether it is physical or chemical changes : Heating of an iron rod to red hot

3 / 25

Mention whether it is physical or chemical changes :Curdling of milk

4 / 25

Electrolysis of water is a decomposition reaction. The mole ratio of hydrogen and oxygen gases liberated during the electrolysis of water is:

5 / 25

Which of the following reactions is an endothermic reaction?

6 / 25

Baking soda is a blend of:

7 / 25

Which of the following solutions in water does not conduct electricity?

8 / 25

Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of:

9 / 25

Sodium hydrogen carbonate when added to acetic acid evolves a gas. Which of the following declaration are true about the gas evolved?

  1. It turns lime water milky
  2. It extinguishes a burning splinter.
  3. It dissolves in a solution of sodium hydroxide.
  4. It has a pungent odour

10 / 25

Antacid are

11 / 25

Where would you establish the element with electronic confguration 2, ǫ in the modern periodic table?

12 / 25

Which among the following elements has the largest atomic radii?

13 / 25

The electronic confgurations of three elements X, Y and Z are: X : 2 Y : 2, 8, 7 Z : 2, 8, 2 Which of the following is true regarding these elements?

14 / 25

Arrange these elements in decreasing order of their atomic radii

15 / 25

The atomic number of an element is 20, its electronic configuration.

16 / 25

The electronic configuration of an element is found to be 2, 4. How many bonds can one carbon atom form in a compound?

17 / 25

The I.U.P.A.C name of CH3CH2CH=CH2 is?

18 / 25

Rich conductors of electricity.

19 / 25

The molecular formula of Ethanol

20 / 25

The molecular formula of the fourth member of alkane series.

21 / 25

The composition of aqua-regia is:

22 / 25

Which of the consecutive are not ionic compounds?

  • KCl
  • HCl
  • CCl4
  • NaCl

23 / 25

Non-metal that can exist in diferent forms

24 / 25

Name two metals having melting point less than 310 K (37°C).

25 / 25

which metal is more reactive?

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